
Lamb Meat

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Oxford Down lambs in spring. Ewes and their lambs are allowed in pastures in May or June, and the lambs are separated from their mothers at three-month-old. Then, ewe and ram lambs pasture in separate flocks well into autumn. Oxford Down store lambs are ready for slaughter at the age of 4-6 months, and thus our season for fresh meat is in July-November. Outside the season, we have a limited selection of frozen lamb in stock.

The meat is mild, lean, and very delicious. As is typical for a meat-type breed, the fat marbles inside the muscle tissue, which brings about the succulence of the meat after cooking it.

Many herbs are excellent for seasoning lamb, such as rosemary, thyme, sage, mint, bay leaf and oregano. In our opinion, garlic is almost a mandatory seasoning for lamb, and it is more than enough alongside salt and pepper. You may also marinate the lamb, for example, in red wine or natural yoghurt, and season to taste. The marinating should be continued for 1-2 days. Our lamb has a fantastic flavor in itself, so avoid adding too much seasoning.

Please find the purchase order terms and the delivery terms as well as the prices in our order form.
